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Sunday, November 11, 2012

This I believe

   Everyone is the God of his own
   I believe in friendship, love, beauty, art, parents, friends etc. But first I believe in myself, I believe I can have these wonders in my life. My life is mine, not yours, not anyone else’s. Your life is yours, not mine, not anyone else’s. Sometimes we may share some parts of our lives with others. When we were we share our lives with parents, then with friends, then family. But you can’t share your whole life with anyone else, nobody can. It’s you who live your life. Nobody can live your life instead of you. You are the unique wonder in your life. Believe in yourself, you are the only god in your life.
    You are the one who should be responsible for your life. You choose the way how you live. You choose to make effort or not. You choose to succeed or not. Yes, we can’t to choose everything about ourselves, but what you can choose is much enough to change who you are what life you live. A tree can't choose where he grows, but he can choose to stretch root deep to the earth, grow tall to the sunshine, or it can choose to creep with the grass.You can always change something if you are eager enough. It’s you who make your life as it is.
   Life can never be the way as you wish. But you can make changes. Life is like a pen, nobody know how long it can write, maybe one sentence, a page or a whole story. You can choose to write something as you want even if you don’t know whether you can finish the next sentence or you can write nothing, leaving the pen drying. There are truly some problems we can’t solve in our leave. So what? The sun goes up and down every day and our leave goes on every moment. When you hardly bear something, your situation may be like this:

When you are sad, you can look at this:
Why are you sad now? Now do you want to be the God of yourself?



  1. Life can never be the way as you wish. That's really what I'm thinking now. Thank you for letting me realize that I am the god of myself.

  2. I like your title...You are the only god of your own.Live in the world,we should believe in ourselves.Cheer up...And I like the girl in the picture.

  3. A strong person you are. Take charge your life!

  4. I am agree with you that Everyone is the God of his own. Just follow yourself.

  5. I am very agree with you that ourselves are the most important!! sometimes, nobody else can help us without ourselves! we should work hard because we are the god of ourselves!

  6. Hurray Blue Mather! You have succeeded in writing a blog that has resulted in lots of comments. I agree with your belief that we are in charge of our own destinies. I enjoyed the imagery that you used in this entry. I can visualize the tree of the self growing toward the sun, making this choice! And the uncertainty of the pen's longevity!

