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Thursday, November 1, 2012

    Hello everyone, I am very excited to be here with you to share the enjoy of mathematics and life. I am so happy that you launch my blog and share my enjoy with each other.
This blog is about some interesting parts of math and some simply applications of life in our daily life. Math can be very easy and useful in our daily life and there are many interesting anecdotes about math and Mathematicians.
Here is a story about René Descartes. He had been to Sweden and met Christina, the princess of Sweden. They fallen in love with each other because both of them loved math so much. But the King of Sweden didn’t allow them to stay together because he thought René Descartes was too shabby and confiscated all the letters they communicated with each other. Before René Descartes dead, he wrote his last letter to Christina: r=a(1-sinθ). The king and minister didn't understand the letter so they gave the letter to Christina. She draw the picture of the formula, only she herself got the meaning of letter: LOVE.

This is just one interesting story about math, it might not be true. But I’d rather to trust it. At last welcome to leave comments and questions. I’d like to share your thoughts.



  1. WOW, it is really a romantic story. I like connect math with romance and I think the greatest love is understanding of each other. The thinking is most important, not the external or material thing. It is my first time to know the excact story though I saw the picture many times. I have one story that 284 and 220 is the magic numbers which one the the sum of all the divisors of another. I think it is interesting to use the two numbers to show love. Well, use math in romance is more interesting and creative. Do you love math? IT IS GREAT!

  2. Well, sometimes math makes me happy, sometimes makes me sad. But truly math is great.

  3. Dear Blue Mather and Eater, I feel so excited to learn about the world of mathematics and to see how mathematicians think about LIFE. Like Eater, I found the story so romantic. And I welcome Blue Mather to the Blogging world!

    I am not sure that I have ever thought about NUMBERS expressing LOVE! Thank you for changing me and my thinking in this way.

    Blue Mather, why does math make you sad some times?
